Prof. Dr. Mario Liebensteiner
Image: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli

Prof. Dr. Mario Liebensteiner

Assistant professor for Energy Markets and Energy System Analysis

Mario Liebensteiner’s research focuses on the evaluation of energy and climate policy measures as well as the design and regulation of energy markets. His research is largely empirical. He uses historical data and econometric methods to identify causal relationships.

  • Design and regulation of energy markets
    • Evaluation of incentive regulation
    • Effects of vertical unbundling
    • Market liberalization / free choice of electricity or gas supplier
    • Market power and its containment
  • Evaluation of environmental and energy policy
    • Emission reduction through CO2 pricing
    • Effectiveness of climate policy measures
    • Concepts for a successful energy policy with partially conflicting objectives
  • Integration and (adverse) effects of renewable energies
    • Should renewable energies be promoted directly?
    • What are the adverse effects of directly promoting renewable energies?

